حبيت انقلكم كيفية التقديم للهجرة الي نيوزلاندا بالمستندات والاثباتات - وسوف اقوم بترجمة كل صفحة - وسوف اقوم باضافة صورة من الورقه اللي اخذتها من السفارة النيوزلاندية في مصر .
اولا: قالولي هناك في السفارة المكتب الرئيسي للهجرة الي نيوزلاندا في دبي ولا يمكن التعامل مع السفارة النيوذلاندية في مصر وسلمولي ورقه اتبع فيها خطوات كيفية التقديم للهجرة الي نيوزلاندا كالاتي :
- go to http://www.immigration.govt.nz/
- select " live in new zealanda" http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/
- select "silled migrant category"http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/skilledmigrant/
- requirment http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/skilledmigrant/caniapply
- the expression of interest (EOI)
- the EOI pool and the pol draw
- invitation o apply
- full assessment
.من الافضل طباعة المعلومات وقراتها واتباع الخطوات وارسالها وفقا لما هو مطور في الموقع
بعد اتباع الخطوات سنترجم الان
select " live in new zealanda" http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/
Living in New Zealand
New Zealand welcomes new migrants – people who will contribute to our country by bringing valuable skills or qualifications, setting up a business, or making a financial investment. These include people applying under the following categories.
We also offer opportunities for family reunification by allowing residents and citizens to sponsor family members for residence.
select "silled migrant category"http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/skilledmigrant/
Skilled Migrant Category(SMC)
The Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) offers you the opportunity to move to New Zealand to work and live permanently.
Who can apply? من يستطيع تقديم طلب هجرة
To be eligible for residence under SMC you must: لتكون مؤهلا للحصول علي الاقامة يجب الاتي
- be 55 or under اقل من 55 سنة
- be healthy بصحة جيده
- be of good character حسن سير وسلوك
- speak English. يتحدث الانجليزية
To decide if you can apply we use a points system. You get points for age, experience, employability and qualifications. نقرراجتياز طلب او رفضة حسب النقاط
How to apply كيف يمكنك التقديم
There are two steps: هناك طريقتين فقط للتقديم
- You complete an Expression of Interest, telling us about yourself, your family, your skills and your experience.
- If you have enough points, we accept your Expression of Interest, and send you an Invitation to Apply. You complete it, and return it to us with your supporting documents.
اولا: املاء النموذج الخاص ب EOI وهو يعني اهتماماتك عن طريق النت او الورق - عرف عن نفسك -عائلتك - مهاراتك - خبراتك -(لا تحتاج لاثبات لك بورق).
ثانيا: لو عندك رصيد كافي من النقط - هنوافق عليEOI الخاص بك وهنبعتلك دعوة للتقديم - ويجب عليك عندها ارسال المستندات والاثباتات الخاصة بك لتلبية احتياجاتك في هذ المرحلة .
- المصاريف 440 دولار نيوزلاندي لو التقديم علي النت
-المصاريف 560 دولار نيوزلاندي لو التقديم علي الورق_ لانه يحتاج لعمل اكثر ع الورق .
How do you apply?
There are two steps to applying for a resident visa under the Skilled Migrant Category:
- You complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form, online or on paper, and tell us about yourself, your family, your skills, and your experience. You do not provide evidence at this point.
- We accept your EOI and send you an invitation to apply. You will have to send us documents to prove you meet the requirements at this stage.
The fee is NZ$440 for online EOIs, or NZ$560 for paper EOIs. Online EOIs cost less because we have to do more work to process the paper EOI.
Will your EOI be selected? في حالة اختيار طلبك
As you complete your EOI you will claim points. If your EOI scores over 100 points, it goes into the pool of EOIs.
Every two weeks we automatically select EOIs with over 140 points from the pool. Then we select EOIs with 100-140 points which include points for a skilled job or job offer. If we still have spaces available, we use additional criteria to select lower-scoring EOIs.
بعد الانتهاء من امتلاء معايير اهتمامك نقوم بتجميع نقاطك _اذا كانت اقل من 100 نقطة ستدخل في القرعهEOI Pool
كل اسبوعين يتم اختيار EOI اوتوماتيك وهي التي تجتاز 140 نقطة في القرعه - ثم بعد ذلك نختار بين 100-140 التي تحتوي علي نقاط عن الوظيفة او عروض العمل (بمعني اللي ليه اولويه اللي عنده وظيفه)
What happens after your EOI is selected? ماذا اذا تم اختيار طلبك بالفعل
We will send you a form that includes all of the information you told us about yourself. You will need to give us evidence you can claim all the points you have claimed, and proof that you and everyone else on your application meet all of our health, character, and English language requirements.
سوف نرسل نموذج يحتوي علي كل معلوماتك اشخصية التي تم اضافتها من قبلك_ سوف نحتاج لتثبت لنا نقاطك التي جمعتها (الادله بالمستندات
--وتثبت لنا جميعا ولنفسك عند الاجتماع صحتك وشخصيتك واللغه الانجليزية ---
You will have to pay a fee with your application. How much depends on the currency accepted in the office where we process the application: see the .
وسوف تحتاج لدفع المصاريف مع تقديم طلبك
وسوف تحتاج لدفع المصاريف مع تقديم طلبك
Our decision on your application قراراتنا علي طلبك بالاتي
There are three possible outcomes: هناك 3 احتمالات او قرارات في طلبك
- We grant you residence. نمنجك الاقامة
- We defer your application and offer you a temporary work visa so you can work while you get a skilled job offer. If you get skilled work, we will approve your residence application. تاجيل طلبك مع توفير فيز عمل مؤقته تستطيع العمل في حين الحصول علي عرض عمل اا كان لديك عمل ماهر --ونحن سوف نتابع طلبك
- We decline your application. نرفض طبك
Start your EOI
It costs less and it speeds up the process if you lodge your EOI online. You do not have to complete it all at once, you can save it and come back to it. It will take about two hours to complete altogether. Start by registering for our online system.
التكلفة تكون اسرع واقل لو التقديك عن طريق النت- لا تحتاج لاكلائ البانات مرة واحده يمكن حفظها والعوده مرة اخري لاكتمالها - تاخ حوالي ساعتين لاتمام العملية كاملا--التسجيل من هذا الموقع
You can also apply using the paper Expression of Interest form PDF [683KB]. TheExpression of Interest Guide PDF [391KB] will help you complete it.
او عن طريق لورق يرجي تحميله من هنا وهذا ايضا كتيب ارشادات لمعرفة كيفية الامتلاء
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Can I apply under the Skilled Migrant Category?
If you want to qualify under the Skilled Migrant Category, there are some requirements you must meet.
Minimum standards قل المتطلبات الضرورية
You can include your partner and dependent children in your application, but you all have to meet these standards. يمكن اضافة زوجك واطفالك ولكن يجب مراعاة الاتي
- Health: You must be healthy. If you are invited to apply for residence, you and your family will have to be assessed by an approved doctor.
- Character: You and your family must be of good character. We don’t allow some people who have committed serious crimes to come to New Zealand.
- English language: You and your family will need to meet a certain level of ability in spoken and written English. See ‘Find out more’, below.
- Occupational registration: If you need occupational registration and do not have it, you will not be able to work in your chosen occupation under the Skilled Migrant Category.
الصحة: يجب ان تكون بصحة جيده واذا تم بالفعل دعوتك للاقامة يجب عليك انت وعائلتك تقييم من طبيب معتمد
الشخصيه: انت وعائلتك يجب ان تكونوا شخصية ات اخلاق حسن سير وسلوك - نحن لا نريد اشخاص لديهم جرائم خطيره ياتوا الي نيوزلاندا
الانجليزي: تحتاج انت وعائلتك مستوي معين في اللغه الانجليزية قادر ع المحاثة والكتابة
SMCالتسجيل المهني: اا ارد التسجيل المهني ولا تملك هذا - لا يسمح لك بالعمل في الوظيفه التي اخترتها تحت -
Claiming points on your Expression of Interest (EOI)
If you meet the minimum standards, you will want to know how many points you can claim on your EOI. You’ll need at least 100 points to go into the ‘pool’ that we select EOIs from every two weeks.
- Skilled employment: You can claim 50-60 points for a job or a job offer in New Zealand that requires specialist, technical, or management expertise. You can get bonus points, for eaxample if the job/job offer is in certain industries, or if your partner also has a skilled job/job offer.
- Work experience: You can claim points for at least two years’ work experience in the same field in which you have skilled employment. An example is if your experience is in New Zealand, or in certain industries.
- Recognised qualification: We award 40-60 points for a variety of trade certificates, diplomas, bachelors degrees and post-graduate qualifications. You can get bonus points for qualifications, too.
- Age: We award a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 points for age. You must be under 55 years old to apply.
- Close family: You can claim 10 points if you have close family with New Zealand residence or citizenship.
ردحذفImmigrating to New Zealand can be a complicated process but seems
quite fair. First of all, I will point you at the following website
for the New Zealand Immigration Service:
Most New Zealand government departments have quite comprehensive
website, which can be accessed and searched from the NZ Government
Portal at http://www.govt.nz/
Now, let look at some basics of immigration to New Zealand.
For migration to New Zealand, you would need to obtain a “Residence
Permit” which allows you to reside in NZ for an indefinite period of
time, but expires if you leave the country, however once you are an NZ
resident you can apply for a Returning Residence Visa that allows you
to return to NZ if you leave the country temporarily.
There are four main categories under which your can apply for New
Zealand residence, they are:
General Skills
Family Quota
Now, as you said you are poor, you are probably not going to be an
investor or entrepreneur, which may qualify you under the Business
categories. You do not have a New Zealand spouse, so you cannot enter
under the Family category, and you have not mentioned any family
members in New Zealand, so I assume the Family Quota category will not
be any help to you.
This leaves the General Skills category, which is a points based
To start with, to qualify as an applicant for the general skills
category you have to be in good health for the purpose of entry, and
not a danger to public health or likely to be a burden on the health
services. You also need to be of good character, meaning you have not
been sentenced to imprisonment for great than five years, ever, and
have not been sentenced for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.
Also, you must not have ever been deported from New Zealand or any
other country.
There is also an English language requirement, although the
requirements in that respect can be somewhat complex. However you
ability to communicate a question clearly here would indicate to me
that you should not have much trouble in that respect
From there it is a matter of points, which are determined by a number
ردحذفof factors, including your age, qualifications and work experience –
you can calculate these, to some degree, on the following page:
I can't estimate myself how you may do in that respect, as you have
not provided very much information on your educational or work
background, however you are within a desirable age group, which is to
your benefit.
The current passmark is 29 points. You get 10 for your age, so you
need to get the other 19 from experience and qualifications. Obviously
being a professional would be the most help to you in this respect.
You can also be awarded points for having a relevant work offer within
New Zealand, that is an offer of work that is relevant to your
qualifications. However, even a non-relevant offer (unrelated to your
qualifications or work experience) will qualify you for some points.
You will be expected to have sufficient resources to support yourself
in New Zealand for your first 24 months of being a resident, you can
find more information about that here:
More Information:
Health requirements:
Character requirements:http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migration/index.html#do-i-need-a-police-certificate
Residence categories:
The Immigration Service provides a number of resources to help
potential migrants determine what they need to do to proceed with
their applications – you should find the following resources helpful
in this respect:
Self-Assessment Guide for Residence in New Zealand
Guide for Residence in New Zealand
Another avenue for some potential residents is the 'Work to Residence'
ردحذفprogram, however this will likely require a suitably qualified job
application or specialist artistic talent. More details about this
program can be found here:
Egypt has no Visa-waiver agreement with New Zealand, so to come to New
Zealand at all you will require a Visa, if you are coming with the
intention of applying for residency you can apply for a resident visa,
although this can be complicated.
To seriously pursue immigration, an initial contact with a New Zealand
immigration consultant is probably a very good ideas, as they have
knowledge and experience far beyond that which is simply detailed on
the Immigration Service website. Here are a number of consultants:
Instant Immigration Services
Global Visas
Malcolm Pacific
Migrate New Zeland
Migration Bureau (New Zealand)
Many of these consultants will offer a free initial assessment, which
will let you know what problems you may face, or what more you can do
to increase your chances of a successful application.
As far as marrying in New Zealand, I don't know what you might do to
achieve that successfully, as I am not married myself, and I have
lived here all my life, however, you could always try online dating
services in New Zealand – either of the following sites may provide a
NZ Dating
Find Someone
I hope this provides you with the information you were seeking, please
let me know if I can clarify the details I have provided at all, or if
there is other pertinent information that was not taken into account.
Search Methods:
“Immigration” at http://www.govt.nz/
“Immigration Consultants” at http://www.yellowpages.co.nz/
انا مهندس زراعي اعمل في دولة خليجة منذ عشرو سنوات في مجال تجميل الحدائق .... هل هذا المجال مطلوب في نيوزيلاندا
ردحذفانا اعمل فى المعمار فى أوربا من خمسة عشر عاما هل مطلوب فى نيوزلندا ومع رخصة سواقه من أوربا
ردحذفin case I have 80.000 nz $ to invest it there is it give me better chance ??
ردحذفهل هناك من قدم على هجرة نيوزيلندا حديثا وما هي أخر التطورات